Since most of the Surrogacy Law Mexico’s clients are international, you can be assured that we will provide you all of the necessary services to guarantee that you will have the requirements you will need in your country. Within those services are:

  • Within our staff, we have translators who speak various languages to make clear to the client all the legal steps of a surrogacy process during the contact with the attorney of SLM
  • Provide English translation of the main documents during the surrogacy process
  • With clients that don’t speak English, we can provide a translator from our staff or share a contact of one, who can explain the terms of the important legal documents they are signing throughout the process
  • Assist with the process of obtaining apostilles of birth certificates and/or the court’s resolution, as necessary
  • Provide the contact of official translators for those documents that need this requirement in the country of origin of the intended parents.
  • Work closely with attorneys retained by clients in their home countries to help ensure a seamless transition home