
We work to provide you with a comprehensive and diligent service at all times providing you proper legal representation.

Surrogacy Process

A surrogacy process involves many steps. Our legal professionals at Surrogacy Lawyer Mexico will accompany you in each one so that in the end you obtain recognition as the only legal parent of your child.

International Clients

The Mexican constitution provides access to human rights for both nationals and foreigners, that is why at Surrogacy Lawyer Mexico we provide a service for clients from different countries of the world.

It is important to remember that this First Chamber has recognized the existence of the right to assisted reproduction, as one that is part of the right to decide freely, responsibly and informed, about the number and spacing of their children, provided for in Article 4 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States…

Amparo in revision 129/2019, Mexican Supreme Court of Justice

Counseling of the regulation of surrogacy in Mexico

Legal contracts

Representation before authorities

Advice for travel documents

Obtaining judicial recognition of paternity

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Surrogate pregnancy is an assisted human reproduction technique where a person or a couple are unable to have children naturally, so they go to a third woman in order to gestate in her womb the baby that will be procreated with genetic material of those or who intend to be parents, or of donors. Access to this technique has already been recognized in Mexico as part of the exercise of a large number of human rights contemplated in the Constitution, which is why the country’s courts have been repetitive in determining that legal paternity in a surrogate pregnancy belongs to those who they have the procreational will to have the baby, while the pregnant woman altruistically and in support of those who intend to be parents, helps them fulfill that long-awaited dream.

The construction of a family through any assisted human reproduction technique not only corresponds to infertile couples, nor to heterosexual couples, but to anyone who has a procreational will and who for some reason does not have the possibility of conceiving or does not want to do so.

Inconstitutionality action 16/2016, Mexican Supreme Court of Justice